On October 1, Form I students removed their ties and blazers and explored their school’s history, from Hamilton Chapel to milk and cookies. Director of the Middle School, Mr. Sullivan, explained, “In [The Form I Tradition Tour’s] second year, we found more ways to align it more with the boys and the fact that they’re in 7th grade.”
The trip started with a Belmont Hill-themed trivia contest organized by Mr. Laliberte ’14. Afterward, students learned about the Belmont Hill logo, the Sextant, from Head of School, Mr. Schneider. Mr. Kaplan ’83 discussed graduation panels, and Mr. Sweeney ’83 taught the boys about the history of milk and cookies while they enjoyed the delectable Belmont Hill tradition. “Learning about Milk and cookies during milk and cookies was a nice touch,” added Mr. Sullivan. Mr. Bradley showed the boys the War Memorials, teaching first-formers about Belmont Hill’s long tradition of national service. After Mr. Sherman and Mr. Grant showed the boys the benches in honor of Mr. Sawyer ’32 and former head of school Mr. Goodband overlooking the athletic fields. Mr. Martin ’65 presented on the history of Hamilton Chapel. To cap off the day, the boys took a bus to Robbins House in Concord to learn about the history of the Bell, its history concerning slavery, and its removal from Belmont Hill.
This new tradition will teach Belmont Hill’s youngest and newest boys about the history of the grounds they walk every day and about Belmont Hill’s storied history. Boys can now be more active community members and grow more in their own shoes by knowing their school’s history.