How To Deal With Stress During First Semester Finals

By Myles Haight, Managing Editor of Digital Content

With finals right around the corner, it’s easy for LFA students to find themselves overwhelmed. Given the exams, papers, and pressure to maintain grades, it’s important to remember to protect your mental health. Here are several strategies to improve your overall well-being that should help ease the pressure of the end of the semester. Hopefully you can use these techniques in the spring as well.

Creating a smart study schedule is key to finding academic success. Putting yourself in a position to be able to do well without cramming or rushing to finish a paper is very important. Many people use their physical planners or google calendar to write down their study schedule. Whatever you use, make sure to create a plan that includes enough time to relax and get plenty of sleep, too.

Maintaining your physical health is also crucial to your mental wellbeing. Ysola Sanchez ‘25, Health and Wellness Prefect, said,  “An important aspect of de-stressing is ensuring that you get enough sleep and get enough food and water.” Making sure you eat, drink, and sleep enough improves your overall academic performance and helps to manage anxiety. Keeping a water bottle with you is a great strategy for ensuring proper hydration. Being dehydrated or hungry will only increase stress levels and hinder your success. Although you might be inclined to pull all-nighters to fit in extra study time, this will only lead to an eventual burnout. You have to save yourself at least seven hours each night — although eight is better.

Another great stress reliever is taking a little time to enjoy an activity you take pleasure in. Sanchez said, “Everyone relaxes in different ways.” A couple of strategies that Sanchez took note of include, “Going on a walk and listening to music, reading a book, or doing a hobby that you enjoy.” All of these will ease your stress levels, but in general, doing something that you personally enjoy can calm you down and reduce anxiety.

Yoga, meditation, and deep breathing exercises are all also great ways to de-stress and take a break for a little while. Taking time to relax is the best thing you can do for yourself to stay in a good headspace for finals.

Remind yourself that winter break is almost here, and these tests will be over before you know it. If things get too stressful, never feel afraid to reach out and ask for help at the Health Center, or somewhere you feel comfortable, whether that’s a friend or a trusted adult.

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