Since last spring, Tyler Smith ’26, Fitz Courtney ’26, and Davis Woolbert ’25 have made considerable strides in raising the visibility and broadening the Veterans Club at Belmont Hill. Recently, the club hosted its inaugural Belmont Hill Veterans Day 5K, with over 100 runners and supporters. Other initiatives on campus have also lent support for Veterans Day, including the Veterans Day wristband fundraiser led by Jack Barrett ’25 and the B-Flats performance at the Beech Street Center for seniors, further exemplifying the ever-growing recognition of veterans at Belmont Hill.

Last May, eleven Belmont Hill boys marched in the annual Belmont Memorial Day Parade, carrying banners that displayed information about every veteran to attend Belmont Hill. Smith, Courtney, and Woolbert led the project and designed matching hats for the volunteers with distinctive years stitched across the back, each representing a class of veterans. 

The trio further demonstrated their dedication to the recognition of veterans during the Veterans Day 5K. With additional support from Mr. George, Mr. Trautz, and Grant Hanser ’26, the 5K was a massive success. Over three dozen volunteers helped organize and set up the course, hang memorabilia banners, and register runners. The group also included a cooking team led by Chef Joshua Smith, father of Tyler Smith. Participants bought Veterans Day 5K t-shirts and entered a raffle for prizes, including box tickets for a Bruins game. Thanks to the plethora of sponsorships that the Veterans Club gathered the event achieved high-quality marks, raising over $ 6,000.

Over 100 participants lined up for the main event. In a hotly contested race, Eita Fuse ’26 edged out Sam Leviton ’28 by one second to earn first place, and William Walton ’25 stole third place over Mr. George himself. Then, participants and spectators enjoyed a delicious BBQ lunch, which included tender brisket, tasty pizza, and savory sugar cookies. Once everyone finished eating, they gathered in front of the Jordan Athletic Center for the closing ceremony. After singing the National Anthem, Colonel Micheal Callanan, the director of Belmont Veterans Memorial Club, Mr. George, and Tyler spoke about the importance of Veterans Day to themselves and everyone. Finally, Smith, Courtney, Woolbert, Hanser, and Mr. George announced the podium finishers for the race and the winners of the raffles.


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